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I needed to do some testing on SQL Server on my PC, but response was of course very fast, so i needed to simulate WAN connection to get some real world results..

i found a good article [How To: Simulate WAN Connections in Your Own Test Lab, For Free!] by Michel Roth

Since WAN main characteristics are : limited in bandwidth and high in latency, we can use one of two software:

1- NetLimiter Pro (commercial-28-day evaluation period)
it can limit the bandwidth per process. You can use this ability in two ways:
a. You can install it on the Server (ex:SQL Server) and limit the incoming bandwidth.
b. You can install it on the Client machine(ex:IIS) and limit the outgoing bandwidth for the client(Preferred).

2. TMnetSim Network Simulator (free!)
a *free* tool to allow you to simulate network latency & packet loss!,You can install it on the client or on the server. I gonna use the tool on the Server.

Here are the steps to setup that tool for testing SQL Server 2005 Express on your local PC:

  1. Download zip file and run executable
  2. SQL Server default port is 1433 so:
    Under 'Outbound Connection' >> enter IP:, Port : 1433
    Under 'Inbound Connection' >> enter port: 1422 (any other port!)
    Under 'inbound-->outbound policies' >> Delay Type : Gausian, Delay Base:250 , Daley Jitter : 25
  3. click "Start"
  4. Setup your Connection String on ASP
    Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=\sqlexpress,1422;Initial Catalog=db;User Id=user;Password=pass;
    or ASP.Net :
    <add name="SQLConn" connectionString="Data Source=\sqlexpress,1422;Initial Catalog=DB;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=user;Password=pass;Network Library=dbmssocn" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

  5. If things running ok, you should see connection information (Latency- Bandwidth- Packet Loss)


  1. Anand // May 3, 2011 at 8:19:00 PM GMT+10  

    Really a very advanced and helpful article port about SQL.

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Mike MoreWeb developer, jQuery plugin author, social media fan and Technology Blogger.
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