Google Blogger has added new feature, an easy way to show posts summaries on your blog index page! But if you still don't see the "read more" link like I did! Google knows why, But I had to dig into it a little bit more..
If you didn't read [You Might As Well Jump!] from Blogger Buzz. It is pretty straight-forward:
- You can insert a "Jump Break" by clicking on "Insert Jump Break" button on the toolbar of the NEW post editor.
- If you don't have the NEW post editor: go to Settings > Basic > set 'Select post editor' to 'Update editor'
- Or just type "<!-- more -->" where you want to position the jump break.
- To customize "Read more" text: click Layout and then Edit the Blog Posts widget.

You don't see the "read more" link yet?
Very normal, it is just a new feature and your blog template will mostly need this tweak.. Google just kept it under cover @ Creating 'After the jump' summaries :
- Open your blog's Layout | Edit HTML tab, and then click the Expand Widget Templates checkbox.
- Scan your HTML for the following snippet <data:post.body/>
- Paste the following snippet directly below it:
<b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
<div class='jump-link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"'><data:post.jumpText/></a>
</b:if >
After Google Blogger 10th anniversary.. It started to present new features like:
- Tag-Cloud widgets : Partly cloudy, chance of labels
- New Post Editor: An overview of the new post editor
and other minor stuff.. But I'm still waiting for 2 major features as I shouted at [@Google: you got Pages, Sites and Blogspot... why?!], which are:
- Blog Pages!
- File space for CSS, Javascript files as in Google Page Creator.
Well, I'm waiting Google..
how does it work for classic templates? i havent conditional tags in my template!!!!
thx, dan
unfortunately, this new feature is not for classic templates.. Google shows how to do it on classic templates using the old way.. [How can I create expandable post summaries?]
i ve another question,, does it work with a template which we ve added 'read more' hack before this jump break feature?
If you were doing something like that How can I create expandable post summaries?, then you had the rest of your post inside of this span:
<span class="fullpost"></span>
Then the jump break <!-- more --> should be inserted just before <span class="fullpost">, and things should be ok..
thanks.. I'm glad this blog comes in use for you :)